Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Estelan set for final edits

I am so excited to put Estelan through the final read through over the next week or so.  I am shooting for a mid-March release.  I have had some awesome beta readers and count myself VERY lucky - you  know who you are and I appreciate your input more than words can say.  Additionally, two wonderful friends collaborated on a cover for Estelan that is quite amazing :)  However, that said, I am waiting on the big reveal until closer to the release date in case anymore changes are made before then. 

I know my posts have been short and inconsistent but I am still fighting this cold and have been VERY busy with life and multiple projects.  Apologies to those following.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Estelan to be released

I have decided to release Estelan as a YA epic fantasy through Amazon soon enough.  The cover is still being put together and I want to do one more read through but I believe it is ready to go.  I intend to release the ebook and paperback at the same time so look for ESTELAN by Trace Broyles this Spring!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Estelan waiting.....

Estelan is on hold for a while.  As mentioned before I entered it into the Amazon Breakthrough Novel 2012 competition.  On February 23rd they will announce the 1000 entries that made it out of the first round.  If Estelan is selected the series will be placed on hold a little longer.  If it is not, I will be pushing forward with the self-pub of the series via Amazon.  I intend to keep everyone posted but this blog will be more silent as I push forward with the Emerald Seer Series ( while waiting to hear the fate of Estelan in ABN.  My fingers are crossed as I entered it in the YA fiction category.