Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!!! Estelan is a free eBook on Amazon!

It's Mother's Day and I can't be with my kids today because of life circumstances (never fear, my family will be back together soon) but that doesn't mean it cannot be a wonderful day!  Pick up a new read today!

Thanks to Free Kindle Books and Tips for posting Estelan on their website!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Tears of Crimson interview with Violet Patterson

Wondering what I've been up to?  Writing - A LOT.  However, I took a few moments - or rather my alter ego did - to chat with Tears of Crimson.  Check it out!

Tears of Crimson interview

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Still on the meantime

I am still on hiatus from Estelan though I occasionally scribble some ideas down because I carry my characters with me wherever I may go.  In the meantime - for those 17 and older - check out the Emerald Seer Series starting with Ryder on the Storm by Violet Patterson!