Saturday, April 21, 2012


I have been working diligently on the Emerald Seer Series and consequently not showing Estelan enough attention.  As much as I regret that, it has been an exercise in getting back on track.  The Emerald Seer Series should be caught up by the end of May and I plan to revisit Estelan this summer.  I am devoting the latter half of 2012 solely to Estelan at this point because it deserves the attention.  I have the story in my head and know where it is going. Though I have been working the Emerald Seer Series I can honestly say that there are notes and ideas coming through for Echo and I am positive it will turn into an awesome sequel!  I have had questions about where the series is going and am opting to give this limited information:

1) The series will be 5 books long with the 3rd and 4th books telling the tale of the sunlit side and the 5th book resolving everything.

2) The 3rd, 4th, and 5th books do not have working titles at this time (other than Estelan book 3, Estelan book 4, and Estelan book 5).

3) Lykae and Tyla will be reunited with the Twins (Dane and Roane) and Kitin in the sequel.

4) Some characters will come into their full power, others will be lost in one way or another.

That's all I can divulge!

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